I read in both English and Polish (depending on the source material).
Book choices
Read what you love until you love to read.
~ Naval Ravikant
I choose the books based on what currently interests me. However, since my interests switch quite rapidly, it often turns out that I alternate between highly technical/developmental books and somewhat lighter formats. Today I'm reading about finances, but tomorrow it could be Rodney Mullen's biography.
I tend to abandon books I'm reading halfway through. Perhaps I get bored too easily. However, I often return to the abandoned titles after a few months, review the highlights and notes, and continue reading.
I use goodbooks to lookup what books on a given topic are good enough to try.
Because of sync and note taking features I read eBooks mostly. Usually I read in the Kindle app on the iPad or the iPhone.
Bionic Reading
I convert every book to read with Bionic Reading. It helps me to focus on the content.
Note taking
I highlight a lot. I use these highlights to make book notes shortly after finishing a book.
I have lots of unfinished books on my plate. When I want to get back to one, I create the book notes from the highlights I already made to remember what the book was about and continue reading from where I finished.
To make book notes I export the highlights to HTML file and process them one by one in code editor (I've created my own converter from Kindle's HTML format to JSON).
Usually I read audiobooks when I am driving my daughters stroller outside. Occasionally in my car, but these days I don't drive alone this much.
Note taking
It's impossible for audiobooks (no shit, Sherlock 🤓). The Audible app allows to make some bookmarks, but I am not going over these to listen particular sentences again.
In case of audiobooks, I usually google 3-5 summaries, and make my own book notes basing on these. On rare occasions I also take voice notes with thoughts of mine.